distance | دورِستاد

 distance به فارسی | دورستاد

  • durestād دورِستاد = دور + اِستاد | از ریشه stā پارسی باستان با پیشوند ava | و stā  با ریخت گذشته hištā اوستایی |  اِستاد، ریخت دیگری از گذشته ایستاد پارسی از ریشه ایست/ ایستادن | ēstād پهلوی | ištād پهلوی پارتی | stāta سکایی | ōstādo بلخی | stad و styn آسی ایرونی | istad و istun دیگوری

معنی distance در دیکشنری نارسیس

مسافت‌، فاصله‌، دورى‌، بعد دوركردن‌، دورنگاهداشتن‌ پشت‌ سرگذاشتن‌
(علوم‌نظامى‌)مسافت‌، فاصله‌، برد سلاح‌
(ورزشى‌)مسير مسابقه‌، مدت‌ بازى‌ قسمتى‌ از مسير مسابقه‌ مشخص‌ شده‌ به‌ وسيله‌ پرچم‌ يا ميله‌
(ورزشى‌)، تعدادكيلومترهاى‌ طى‌ شده‌ درشكار با اسب‌
(علوم‌مهندسى‌)بعد، مسافت‌، فاصله‌
(ورزشى‌)مسافت‌، فاصله‌

انگليسى مترادف


معنی distance در دیکشنری آریانپور

distance dis.tance
دورى، دوردستى‌، فاصله‌، مسافت‌، بعد
the distance between our house and the supermarket makes it difficult to walk there
دورى منزل‌ ما از فروشگاه‌ پياده‌ رفتن‌ به‌ آنجا را مشكل‌ مى‌كند.‏

what is the distance between Tehran and Kashan?
فاصله‌ى بين‌ تهران‌ و كاشان‌ چقدر است‌؟

the road is paved for a distance of 150 kilometers
راه‌ به‌ مسافت‌ 0‏5‏1‏ كيلومتر آسفالته‌ است‌.‏

فاصله‌ى زمانى‌، مدت‌، دوره‌، ديرند، زمان‌
the distance between birth and death
مدت‌ زمان‌ بين‌ تولد و مرگ‌

at a distance of fifty years
در مدت‌ پنجاه‌ سال‌

سردى (رابطه‌)، ديرآشنايى‌، بى‌مهرى
with the passing of time, a distance grew between the two friends
باگذشت‌ زمان‌ رابطه‌ى آن‌ دو دوست‌ به‌ سردى گراييد.‏

does her distance have anything to do with what I said?
آيا سردى او به‌ واسطه‌ى حرفى‌ است‌ كه‌ من‌ زده‌ام‌؟

تفاوت‌، ناهمخوانى‌، اختلاف‌، ناهمگنى‌
the distance between wealth and poverty
تفاوت‌ بين‌ ثروت‌ و فقر

نقطه‌ يا جاى دور
away in the distance
در جايى‌ دور دست‌

زمان‌ دور، گذشته‌ى بعيد
at this distance we cannot know much about Neanderthal man
به‌ واسطه‌ى فاصله‌ى زمانى‌ زياد نمى‌توانيم‌ اطلاعات‌ زيادى درباره‌ى انسان‌ نئاندرتال‌ داشته‌ باشيم‌.‏

(نقاشى‌) بعدنمايى‌، ژرف‌نمايى‌، دورنما
shaded distances
دورنماهاى پرسايه‌

فاصله‌دار كردن‌، فاصله‌ گرفتن‌، دورى كردن‌
he tries to distance himself from contemporary politics
او مى‌كوشد خود را از سياست‌هاى روز بركنار نگه‌ دارد.‏

دورنما كردن‌، (نقاشى‌) دوردست‌نما كردن‌، ژرف‌نمايى‌ كردن‌
پشت‌ سر گذاشتن‌، جلو زدن‌ از
they were hoping to distance the police car that was chasing them
آنان‌ اميدوار بودند كه‌ ماشين‌ پليس‌ را كه‌ در تعقيب‌ آنها بود پشت‌سر بگذارند.‏


* at a distance
از دور، با فاصله‌
* distance glasses
عينك‌ صحرايى‌، عينك‌ دورنما
* go the distance
(به‌ ويژه‌ در ورزش‌ و مسابقه‌) تا آخر دوام‌ آوردن‌، تا آخر مسابقات‌ شركت‌ كردن‌، سنگ‌ تمام‌ گذاشتن‌
* keep at a distance
با سردى رفتار كردن‌ با، روى خوش‌ نشان‌ ندادن‌
* keep one’s distance
فاصله‌ گرفتن‌ از، احتراز كردن‌، دورى كردن‌ از



distance | MacMillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners 2nd Edition


▪ I. distance 1 UK [ˈdɪstəns] US noun [singular distance plural distances] ★★★
1. [countable/uncountable] the amount of space between two people or things
distance from: It is important to consider distance from public transport when buying a house.
distance to: They started to walk the short distance to the camp.
distance of: a distance of five miles
some/a good/a considerable distance: His parents live some distance away.
long distances: He’s used to driving long distances.
at a distance of: Altair, at a distance of 17 light-years, is one of the closest of the bright stars.
Thesaurus: space and amounts of spacehyponym closeness and distancesynonym
1a. [countable/uncountable] the amount of time between two points in time
A definitive cure is still some distance away.
Thesaurus: general periods of timehyponym periods of successsynonym
1b. [uncountable] the fact that two people or things are far apart from each other
The distance has never been a problem for our relationship.
Thesaurus: closeness and distancesynonym
2. [singular/uncountable] if there is a distance between two people, their relationship is not friendly or close
Thesaurus: unfriendlinesssynonym
2a. a way of speaking or behaving that is not very friendly and does not encourage other people to talk to you
It was his distance towards me that was so upsetting.
Thesaurus: unfriendlinesssynonym
3. [uncountable] great differences between two people or things
the social distance between farmers and farm workers
Thesaurus: difference and differencessynonym
4. [uncountable] the amount of progress that needs to be made in order to solve a problem
There’s still some distance to go.
Thesaurus: progress and developmentsynonym
See also: spit1 ▪ strike1
Phrases: at a distance ▪ from a distance ▪ go the distance ▪ go the full distance ▪ in the distance ▪ into the distance ▪ keep someone at a distance ▪ keep your distance ▪ put some distance between ▪ within driving distance ▪ within walking distance
▪ II. distance 2 UK [ˈdɪstəns] US verb [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they distance he/she/it distances present participle distancing past tense distanced past participle distanced]
to act in a way that shows that you or someone is not connected with someone or something, usually because you do not approve of them
distance yourself/someone/from someone/something: The company is trying to distance itself from remarks made by the former director.
Thesaurus: to disapprove of something or someonesynonym
▪ III. distance 3 UK [ˈdɪstəns] US adjective only before noun
consisting of or taking part in races in which people run or swim a long distance
the nation’s best distance runners

distance | Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

distance (MANNER) /ˈdɪs.tənts/
noun [S or U]
behaviour that shows little interest or friendliness:
I noticed a certain distance between father and son.

distance (SPACE) /ˈdɪs.tənts/
noun [C or U]
the amount of space between two places:
What’s the distance between Madrid and Barcelona/from Madrid to Barcelona?
He travels quite a distance (= a long way) to work every day.
Does she live within walking distance of her parents?


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